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2015-08-27 16:35 来源:国医在线 发布人:高燕仙 浏览:

王祖红*  郭春艳 李莉 王苏娜 段晓荣 黄培冬 杨骐铭(昆明市中医医院针灸科)


  [摘要]  目的:观察运动针法结合常规针刺治疗顽固性面瘫的临床疗效。  方法:将60例顽固性面瘫患者随机分为治疗组和对照组,治疗组30例采用运动针法结合常规针刺治疗,对照组30例仅采用常规针刺治疗,隔日进行1次,10次为1疗程,3个疗程后进行疗效评定。  结果:治疗组治愈17例,有效11例,无效2例,总有效率93.33%;对照组治愈8例,有效15例,无效7例,总有效率76.67%,差异具有统计学意义(P﹤0.05)。  结论:运动针法结合常规针刺治疗顽固性面瘫疗效显著,优于常规针刺治疗,为临床治疗该疾病提供一种新的治疗方法,值得在临床、教学及科研上推广应用。

  [关键词]  运动针法;常规针刺;顽固性面瘫

  Kinetic Acupuncture combined with Traditional Acupuncture therapy to treat Intractable Facial Paralysis in 30 cases

  WANG Zuhong1,GUO Chunyan2,LI Li1,WANG Suna1,DUAN Xiaorong1,HUANG Peidong1,YANG Qiming1.(1.Department of Acupuncture and Moxibustion, Kunming  Municipal Hospital of TCM, Kunming 650011, Yunnan Province;2.Acupuncture and Tuina College of Yunnan University of TCM,Kunming 650011.)

  [ABSTRACT]   Objective  To observe the clinical effect of Kinetic Acupuncture combined with Traditional Acupuncture therapy on treating intractable facial paralysis.  Method  60 patients were randomly divided into observation group and control group. The observation group 30 cases were accepted kinetic acupuncture combined with traditional acupuncture therapy, while the control group were only accepted traditional acupuncture, a time on alternate days and ten times for a course.evaluating the therapeutic effects after 3 courses treatment.  Results  Among the 30 cases in observation group,17 cases clinically cured,11 cases with effect, 2 cases with no effect,the total effective rate is 93.33%. Among the 30 cases in control group,8 cases clinically cured,15 cases with effect, 7 cases with no effect,the total effective rate is 76.67%.The effective rate had statistical difference between the two groups after treatment(P<0.05).  Conclusion  The effect of the observation group was better than that of the control group, which provides a new therapy, worthing popularization and application in clinical practice, scientific research and teaching.

  [KEY  WORDS]   kinetic acupuncture;traditional acupuncture;intractable facial paralysis

  面瘫是以面部表情肌群运动功能障碍为主要特征的一种常见病,以口眼向一侧歪斜为主要临床症状,患者无法完成抬眉、闭眼、鼓腮等动作,故又称为“口眼歪斜”“口僻”,相当于西医学的面神经麻痹。本病如果治疗方法得当,多可在2月内痊愈。若因误治、失治,发病2月后经治疗功能恢复不明显者即为顽固性面瘫[1]。本病可发生在任何年龄段,以20——40岁者居多,在夏秋季节多发,流行病学调查显示,城市患病率为425.7/10 万,农村患病率为258/10万[2]。该疾病造成了容貌受损,给患者的身心健康带来极大的痛苦,严重影响患者的生活、工作和学习。笔者近几年来尝试采用运动针法结合常规针刺治疗顽固性面瘫,临床疗效显著。现报道如下:


  1.1 一般资料


  表1  两组患者年龄(单位:岁)及病程(单位:月)构成比较
