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中医药论文|2014-01-09 14:10|来源:国医在线|中医药|阅读:

昆明圣爱中医馆 朱玲

  摘要: 肚脐,一个人体方寸之间的地方,中医称之为神阙穴。从古到今,历代医家都有对此的大量的论述。脐部特殊的生理特点决定其特殊的治疗及作用机理。特色脐疗优势在于:1 .选择定位为脐腹,脐疗——更直接的治疗;2. 选择特殊部位,运用特殊手法,可达到由浅入深的和缓的刺激;3. 联动治疗可增强疗效;4.运用了中药透皮治疗;5.可开发治疗多科疾病,;6.药物熏蒸利于开腠理、;拔罐利于排除体内有害物质;艾灸利于扶阳益气;手法利于刺激经络穴位、激发增强胃肠蠕动、增强体液循环、达到内环境的协调、调动自愈功能,治疗各种疾病;7.有统一操作流程,易于发展推广。


  Abstract: Navel, somewhere between the human heart, Chinese medicine called CV 8(Shenque) point soure, from ancient to modern times,generations of physicians have to a lot of paper felt special physiological characteristics determine its special treatment and mechanism characteristic umbilical therapy advantage: 1. Choice location for navel belly, umbilical therapy more immediate treatment; 2. Select specific parts, using special technique, can achieve distinguished gentle stimulation; 3. Linkage can enhance curative effect; 4.The use of Chinese medicine transdermal treatment; 5. To develop a cure for many diseases; 6.Drug fumigation to open cou justified; Per cutem conducive to eliminate body harmful substances; Moxibustion is conducive to strengthing Yang and replenishing Qi; Technique to stimulate the channels and collaterals acupuncture point stimulate gastrointestinal peristalsis to strengthen fluids to coordinate transfer the self-healing function of internal environment, treatment of various diseases; 7. There are series of process, easy to development promotion.

  Key words:Navel;Special Navel Treatment;Characteristic;Advantage.

  肚脐,一个人体方寸之间的地方,中医称之为神阙穴。从古到今,历代医家都有对此大量的论述。它涉及到胎吸胎养、治病、养生、保健、呼吸、调摄、气功、导引等方方面面,它与人体生命活动密切相关。 脐带是胎儿与母体联结的纽带,各种营养物质和氧通过脐带源源不断地进入胎儿体内,同时胎儿代谢的废物又通过脐带运输出去,属先天真息状态。婴儿脱体后,脐带即被切断,先天呼吸中止。没有肚脐,生命将不复存在,故脐为生命之根本。

【责任编辑:张小贝】 本篇文章脐疗——中医特色治疗国医在线整理编辑,转载请注明出处!更多相关资讯浏览(国医在线:http://www.guoyi163.com),文章地址:http://www.tcm166.com/lunwen/10292.html


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